
Hello world! I have been working on this website for over two years now. There is an incessant need for contemporary artists to exist on the internet. I understand both sides of the coin for the debate between whether one can or cannot afford being online. I think part of the reason for not paying as much attention to this website, I began to create back in 2015, is because I am on the fence on determining its importance.

Regardless of my internal teeter totter struggle, I am here.

I am going to, hopefully, continue with these blog posts. I think it will be a fantastic way to archive and track my own development. 

I am currently interning at the Center for Creative Photography (CCP) in Tucson, Arizona. This internship is in between school years at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) where I am a Curatorial Fellow in their MA Curatorial Practice program.  While interning at CCP I am beginning reasearch for my upcoming dissertation exhibition. Please stay tuned for information on that show! 

I am always up for questions and discussions, so let me know and leave comments!





P.S. I will also be posting a new section on my website for curatorial work I have done. The photo with this post is a sneak peak to the exhibition I created that focused on female photographers!